Dulux’s Du it Better

produced by AIRFOIL Media
directed by David Kalinauskas

roles & responsibilities: coordinate animal wrangling, talent, crew, and vendors, create production documents, support producer, coordinate craft & catering, support post-production (color and VO)

We set out to create a punchy, attention-grabbing commercial that showcased the versatile uses of Dulux paints in unique, vibrant settings. This dynamic production featured animal talent and four distinct scenes, all brought to life within a tight budget. Our production team devised an innovative approach, designing four sets within a single filming studio with the support of the art department, making the most of every inch of space. Each scene was crafted to fit the exact dimensions of the camera frame, ensuring a polished look with no extra space to spare. The result is a visually striking campaign that captures the bold impact of Dulux paints, making every color count.


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